
65 Roses Day Resources

65 Roses Day Resources

Discover tips and useful resources to help you make the most of your 65 Roses Day fundraiser. Access all of our resources below.

How 65 Roses Day works

1. Order your roses

Order roses to sell on 65 Roses Day. (No pre-payment required). Order now

2. We'll deliver them

We’ll deliver your roses and wrapping kit on Wednesday 25 May.

3. Sell your roses!

The fun bit! Wrap and sell your roses for $5 each.

4. Return funds raised

Funds will be used to support our services and research funding for people living with CF.

Fundraising Resources

Here are some downloadable resources to help you get the most out of your 65 Roses Day fundraising.

Access our 65 Roses Day Handbook for everything you need to know about fundraising, spreading awareness and returning funds.

Need help with fundraising? Read our top tips to make your event as successful as possible.

Information About Cystic Fibrosis

Here are some downloadable resources to help you spread awareness of cystic fibrosis.

Access our cystic fibrosis factsheet and learn more about how your funds will support our community.

Download our handy sheet for tips on how to spread the word of your fundraising event.

Download our Cystic Fibrosis WA brochure to learn more about our support services.

Social Media Tiles

Below are some downloadable social media tiles to help raise awareness of cystic fibrosis. Share images in a post to your feed, in your group or update your profile picture for the month of May.

Download your social media profile frame and update your picture for the month of May to help spread awareness.

Education Sessions Available

Your fundraiser is a great opportunity to host a cystic fibrosis education session at your workplace, school or childcare centre. Our team is available to provide cystic fibrosis education to parents, students and educators. For more information or to book a session, please contact our team at education@cfwa.org.au or (08) 6224 4100.

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