
Our Impact

Our Impact in 2023

A snapshot of some of the ways our organisation has supported people and their families living with cystic fibrosis in 2023; made possible with the help of our dedicated community, partner organisations and supporters.

Support in the home

We provided 3,054 support sessions in the home, including airway clearance, exercise, and respite.

Financial Support

We provided 667 subsidies to 193 people totalling over $100,000 in direct financial support for equipment and essential needs.

Community Connection

We created the CF Connect Program, hosting 25 moderated online sessions for children with CF, who can’t meet in person due to infection risk.


Through advocacy, children aged 6-12 years were granted access to a new modulator treatment, Trikafta®, which is increasing quality of life and life expectancy.


Expanded our Chronic Wet Cough education program, trained 20 regional community champions and visited 14 regional towns. Educators completed 235 online CF learning modules.


We invested over $205,000 in cystic fibrosis research, helping enable 4 unique research projects.

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