
Our Impact

Our Impact in 2022

A snapshot of how we delivered against our Strategic Plan in 2022, and the achievements made possible with the help of our dedicated community, partner organisations, and supporters.

Click here for a downloadable PDF.

Maintaining and growing our comprehensive services

Our services were accessed 3,948 times, including airway clearance, exercise support, psychosocial and practical support for vulnerable people and those experiencing hardship.

Trikafta access was extended to eligible individuals over 12 years, after extensive advocacy by the community, CFWA and fellow CF organisations.

Building Our Team

We enhanced psycho-social and wellbeing supports, through individualised plans and new grant funded programs.
We visited 11 WA towns to help build respiratory knowledge in regional and Aboriginal communities.

Building CF awareness and education

People accessed our online resources and factsheets on over 11,000 occasions.

We created 69 tailored plans for schools to enable more informed support for students with CF.

Community members completed 1,425 updated e-learning modules, including vital infection prevention and control content


The Board renewed its research commitment and created a new Research Strategy to support bigger research aspirations.

Visit our Research page to read more about some of the research we have funded.

Sustainable funding

We secured close to $2m in revenue to support services and research.

Despite COVID impacts, our operating results on track against budget. Investment results were adversely impacted by market conditions.

Business management

We reaped the benefits of investing in digital resources, with significant social media growth, new donors; and over $50,000 raised from virtual roses.

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