65 Roses Day 2024 was filled with inspiring moments, thanks to the dedication and hard work of our amazing supporters. We’re thrilled to share that a record number of roses were wrapped, bouquets sold and virtual roses planted. Over the coming weeks, funds raised from the event will be collected and we look forward to sharing a final figure with you. We couldn’t have done it without you! Your overwhelming support, generosity, and enthusiasm have made this event an incredible success, and we are deeply grateful.
Community, Volunteers and Supporters
Thank you to the hundreds of community members, volunteers and supporters who joined us throughout the week. Each year, we are blown away by the support of our CF community, wider community and the local organisations that are ready and willing to lend a hand in any way possible. Whether you donated, volunteered, spread the word, or sold roses in the community, your involvement made a huge difference. Your efforts have not only helped us reach our fundraising goals but have also raised awareness about the important work we do.
Ambassador Family
Our heartful thanks to the Waterman family for graciously sharing their story and experience as our ambassador family for 65 Roses Day. Thank you for contributing to raising awareness and helping to make 65 Roses Day a resounding success.
Major Partner — Wafex
Thank you to Wafex, our principal partner, for supporting the work we do for over 16 years. In this time, Wafex has sourced and supplied us with close to 150,000 roses. Each year, it is all hands on deck and their wonderful team come together to ensure we have enough roses to sell in our community. Not to mention, this year’s beautiful bouquets were as impressive as ever. 65 Roses Day would not be a success without their support.
Major Supporter — South Metropolitan TAFE
South Metropolitan TAFE have provided longstanding support to Cystic Fibrosis WA for 65 Roses Day. Thank you to lecturer Kylie-Anne Stokes, the Diploma of Events Management and Certificate III in Events students for assisting us with preparing roses as well as managing stall locations across Perth.
The generosity and time provided by volunteer organisations and businesses was invaluable. Thank you to the following groups and organisations:
- Alexia – for providing custom cookies to radio and media personnel.
- Curtin Volunteers – for wrapping roses, and selling roses and merchandise on campus.
- Go People – for providing free membership to CFWA to map out delivery routes for our rose orders and bouquets.
- UWA Guild Volunteering – for helping in the lead up to 65 Roses Day with prepping and packing wrapping materials and fundraising kits.
- Assetivity, QBE, Squire Patton Boggs, KPMG, Telethon Kids Institute, Watson Young Architects and Rio Tinto – for volunteering their time on our Wrapping Day.
- Nexia, Robert Half and Hall Chadwick – for volunteering their time on delivery days.
Virtual Rose Garden Corporate Supporters
Our Virtual Rose Garden has raised over $33,000 and counting. Thank you to all who have planted a rose, sent a rose or created a personal or corporate rose garden. Visit rosegarden.org.au to plant your own rose in our garden. The Virtual Rose Garden will be live throughout the month of May and beyond.
Thank you to the following businesses for their support:
- Allens
- Marathon Print
- Optimal Resourcing
- Pharmacy 777
- South Metropolitan TAFE – Events Training
- The Health Hub at Eaton Fair
Shopping Centres and Business Precincts
Thank you to all the shopping centres and business precincts that provided free community sites for our 65 Roses Stalls. These sites allowed us to raise essential funds via the sales of our roses and merchandise and awareness of cystic fibrosis in the community.
Shopping centres include:
- Belmont Forum
- Mandurah Forum
- Innaloo Westfield
- Whitford City Westfield
- Winthrop Village
- Cockburn Gateway
- Claremont Quarter
- Central Park
- Mia Yellagonga Tower 2
- Two Forty
- Kings Square
- Morley Galleria
- Phoenix Shopping Centre
- Yanchep Central
- Walyalup Koort and FOMO Freo
- Westfield Booragoon
- Lakeside Joondalup Shopping Centre
Thank you to those involved in lighting up the following iconic WA landmarks in support of 65 Roses Day.
Perth Metropolitan Area
- Council House
- Crown Towers
- Curtin University
- East Perth Power Station
- Elizabeth Quay
- Fraser Avenue, Kings Park
- Graham Farmer Freeway Tunnel
- Joondalup Drive Bridge
- Matagarup Bridge
- Mindeerup Piazza, South Perth & Old Mill
- Mount Street Bridge
- Northbridge Tunnel
- Optus Stadium
- Perth Children’s Hospital
- Perth Concert Hall
- Perth Station
- Sky Ribbon Bridge
- The Bell Tower
- Trafalgar Bridge
- WA Maritime Museum
- WA Shipwrecks Museum
- Yagan Square
Regional WA
- Albany Ports
- Albany Town Square
- Alison Hartman Gardens, Albany
- City of Busselton Administration Building
- Guppy Park
- Historic Arrol Crane at Jetty Road
- Koombana Bay Footbridge
- Koombana Bay Foreshore
- Mandurah Bridge
- Marlston Hill Lookout
- Marlston Waterfront
- Northam Suspension Bridge
- Queens Park Theatre, Geraldton
- Richmond Reserve
- Rockingham Foreshore
Stay Up to Date
Stay connected with us on Instagram or Facebook to see the ongoing impact of your support and to keep up with our future activities and events.