
Chronic Wet Cough 2024 Update

The team has been busy travelling to share our book; communities in Kalgoorlie, Carnarvon, Geraldton, Wheatbelt and even as far as the Gibson desert have received copies!

This year we have attended health embassy events, KindiLink sessions, playgroups and the Karijini food and cultural festival in the Pilbara and our next 6 months we are looking forward to attending Indigenous Literacy Day in Port Hedland, NAIDOC events, Health days and delivering more training to local community members and attending the Aboriginal health conference in August.

A new aspect of our project this year is working with UWA medical students who are completing their rural clinical placement in Kalgoorlie and Geraldton and as part of their service-learning they are working on the chronic wet cough project. The four students are our local community champions building relationships with families, children and local health services and sharing the wet cough message. Their input, ideas and insight will be invaluable, and we are excited to see the outcomes of their work and new opportunities for the future.

One of our great moments this year has been meeting our little star of the posters (Xania) at one of the health Embassy events in Bunbury. Xania came up and introduced herself “That’s me on the poster there!” Mum told the team that she is healthy and thriving after having her cough assessed and infection treated with antibiotics at hospital. A powerful story and one that drives us to continue our work towards improving lung health in Aboriginal communities.

Finally, we welcome our newest member to the team, Abbey, who has hit the ground running travelling to Carnarvon in her second week of the role. We are excited to share her enthusiasm and energy with you all when we next visit your community.

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