At around 18 years of age, young people with CF in WA will transition their health care from Perth Children’s Hospital (PCH) to Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (SCGH). The aim of transition is to help the individual become more independent and responsible for their own health care before moving to an adult healthcare service.
Stages of Transition
The transition process includes three stages; planning, preparing and moving. PCH start the transition process early, having conversations and assessing knowledge from around 12 years of age.
- Introductory Stage: 12-14 years. Introduction to the transition process and working out what your young person needs to know about themselves and their medical condition.
- Preparation Stage: 14-16 years. Your young person starts learning the skills needed to care for themselves and a transition plan is developed in partnership with your young person and yourself.
- Transfer Stage: 16-18 years. Your young person is looking after themselves with confidence, is ready to transfer and information exchange takes place between your young person’s health team at PCH and adult health services.
Transition Resources
PCH have some great resources for adolescents and their families about the transition process:
- Transition to Adult Care- A Guide for families and carers (CF UK Trust)
- CFStrong- Moving to adult care
- Supporting your young person through transition to adult health services (CAHS)
- Differences between paediatric and adult health care (CAHS)
- A resource for adolescents (CAHS)
- Useful resources for transition (CAHS)
- Useful tips for transition (CAHS)
This film “Transition to Adult Care” by Cystic Fibrosis Community Care, shares young people’s perspectives on their transition experience.
CFWA Support
CFWA can also assist with the process by offering information and support to parents and the individual transitioning. We can come along on the transition tour and provide further support where needed. We currently have a transition support subsidy to help young people with the cost of attending hospital appointments or admissions by providing $50 for the first two visits to Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.
Contact our psychosocial team on or on 08 6224 4100 for further support or information.