
Happy Campers: The Millers Sisters

Kaylena, Zaryn and Amity have two brothers with CF. They regularly attend Sibs Camp. Here they share a bit about the camps and life with brothers with CF.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourselves?

Amity: I am 8 years old. I love cheerleading and hanging out with my friends.

Zaryn: I am 13 years old. I have 2 brothers with cystic fibrosis (CF) and I have 2 sisters. I love them all to bits. I am into Hip Hop dancing, I am the captain at athletics and I play the clarinet.

Kaylena: I am 15 and I am a twin to my brother who has CF. I love doing cheerleading and being around my friends.

How many camps have you been to so far?

Amity: I have been to 2 camps so far.

Zaryn: I have been to 4 camps.

Kaylena: I have been to 8 Sibs camps. My first Sibs camp was in 2008 and I’ve only missed one.

Were you nervous to come to the first camp?

Amity: No I wasn’t nervous because I had my sisters there too.

Zaryn: Yes but no, because at my first camp my mum and my sister were there. I was a bit nervous about the activities, not knowing what they were going to be like.

Kaylena: Yes because I didn’t know what to expect.

What has been your favourite activity to do on a camp so far?

Amity: I like the flying fox the best.

Zaryn: I really liked the sea biscuiting we did at the camp in 2014 at Waroona.

Kaylena: I liked the sea biscuiting we did 2 years ago and the flying fox is also my favourite activity.

Have you found the camps helpful?

Amity: I like the camp because I like being with my sisters.

Zaryn: Yes because being at the camp takes you away from the reality of CF.

Kaylena: Yes because I get away from the coughing and get to be with people that live in similar environments to me and they understand.

What would you say to someone thinking about coming to their first camp?

Amity: Go and have fun but you might find it a bit scary at first but you will get used to it.

Zaryn: Do it! You will have the best time of your life.

Kaylena: I would say go and have fun, make new friends and experience new things. I’ve kept in contact with a couple of the girls I’ve met over the years. We stay in contact and are really good friends, they understand my personal life.

What is it like having siblings who have CF?

Amity: I don’t know any different.

Zaryn: It is like having a normal brother. They just have to go through lots of physio and treatment.

Kaylena: It is normal for me because I’ve grown up with my brothers having CF. It is hard sometimes knowing they have to go through so much to stay alive.

Do you have any tips for younger siblings who have a family member with CF?

Amity: Have fun with them.

Zaryn: Have fun while you have the time and celebrate life.

Kaylena: Stay strong and enjoy every moment with them. Help them out as much as you can.


Interview from Rozee, 2017.

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