We are excited to launch our brand new school resource pack, including our second book in the My ABCF series; My ABCF at School. The book is designed for educators to read in early learning settings (K-2) to help students learn more about cystic fibrosis.
The story follows our characters navigating their way through the alphabet while learning more about CF. From coughs, to germs, to lunchboxes and medicine, this book will encourage conversations in the classroom about CF and initiate a greater understanding of how we can help our friends with CF stay healthy at school.
The pack includes:
- My ABCF at School book
- A student bookmark
- Note to send home to parents
- Educator information sheet
The packs will be distributed to schools alongside staff and classroom education sessions. Each K-2 student’s school is entitled to one free pack. If you would like your child’s school to receive a pack please contact Michelle michelle.buck@cfwa.org.au
Additional copies of the book can be purchased from our shop.